Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and scoliosis

Lista articolelor în limba engleza Ego structure in the institutionalized adolescents.

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Psihologie, revista ştiinţifico-practică. Structural unemployment and work motivation — essential problems for graduates in Romania.

Psychocultural and economic determinations of antreprenorial behavior. B 4. Sicial, emotional and school adaptation of children with learning disabilities in arab sector Israel : intervention program. Greed as a property of personality: the age aspect. B 6. Emotional overstrain as a factor in the formation of maladaptation at students of medical college. Predictors formation of social maladjustment in patients with paranoid schizophrenia with concomitant somaticneurological disorders.

C 8.

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): Pathology \u0026 Clinical Presentation – Pediatrics - Lecturio

Social expectancy in vocational realization. C 9. The survey of psychological characteristics of elite cyclists of Iran. Conductivity in size quantized systems: Consideration of the scattering of carriers on the surface in the case of the δ-shaped fluctuation of the surf.

Translational characterization of the glia role in multiple sclerosis. Translation of functional domain abnormalities from human to mouse motor system. C 2. Microbiological tools for assessment and prediction of the impact of soil management on soil organic matter in Moldovan chernozems.

Screening of low density polyethylene degrading microorganisms.

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Grape pomace as a filler in wine vinegar fermentation. Evaluation of the color as a characterization parameter of honey from Tunisia, Romania and Moldova. Rolul asolamentelor furajero-cerealiere în protejarea şi remedierea solului.

Informaţii rapide

Recycling bio-waste methods in order to protect the environment. Changes in biochemical composition of porphyridium cruentum upon exposure to silver nanoparticles.

The spectral shift of arthrospira platensis biomass cultivated in the presence of silver nanoparticles.

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Changes in carbohydrate content in spirulina biomass in cum să amelioreze umflarea articulațiilor cu artrita reumatoidă presence of silver nanoparticles. The assessment of copper, iron, zinc, and nickel tolerance combined with nostoc linckia biomass production. The perspective of using soil microorganisms for degradation of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and scoliosis plastic waste. Modern approaches in agriculture for environmental protection and the origin of product quality: the use of biopesticides.

Heavy-metal toxicity in the cyanobacterium anabaena variabilis. Estimation of malondialdehyde content in Arthrospira platensis Cnmn-cb cultivated in the presence of inorganic selenium IV compounds. The influence of some mineral fertilizers on the activity of the Cyanobacteria nostoc linckia and Nostoc punctiforme.

Current concepts and a survival analysis based on the cases reported to the romanian arthroplasty register Autor: C.

Potential of microorganisms in the remediation of multimetal contaminated wastewaters. Biogas as a source of renewable energy obtained from the recovery of food industry waste. Challenges in identifying microbial biomass suitable for biosorption and bioaccumulation processes. Perspectives of using microbiological technologies for elimination of foul odor from biological treatment facilities.

The assessment of phytotoxicity of soil polluted with organochlorine pesticides.

  1. MIOSIS - Definiția și sinonimele miosis în dicționarul Engleză
  2. Cristian Ioan Stoica
  3. idiopathic doctor - Romanian Translation - Lizarder
  4. Правильно, - отозвался Орел.
  5. ‪Alina-Daniela Totorean‬ - ‪Google Academic‬

Microorganisms for bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils. Effect of fullerene and fullerene-chitosan complex on the growth, peroxidase activity and cadmium tolerance responses of barley seedlings.

Referințe bibliografice pe an

Using halotolerant bacteria to stimulate plant growth under technogenic salinization conditions. Influence of new bioactive compounds on the intensity of the protein metabolism in animals in the blood serum under physiological conditions. Poultry in the continuation of the improvement of biotechnologies for obtaining products from the food industry. Antioxidant activity of haematococcus pluvialis algal extracts during life cycle.

Screening of low density polyethylene degrading fungi. Microbiological mechanisms of the removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solutions. Antioxidant activity of spirulina biomass upon the action of copper nanoparticles coated with polyethylene glycol.

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The age of arthrospira platensis culture as determinant factor relating to nanoparticles. Changes in malondialdehyde content in spirulina biomass in the presence of gold nanoparticles. Bioactive coordinative compounds action on the carbohydrate metabolism indices in animals under physiological conditions. Rhodococcus wratislaviensis g13 as a perspective agent for a range of microbial preparations for the bioremediation of natural and industrial environments.

Challenges and opportunities of using medicinal plants in phytoremediation. Isolation and characterization of a bacterium from petroleum sludge. Phthalate-degrading bacteria of the family micrococcaceae, perspective for the bioremediation of contaminated soils. Metal removal juvenile rheumatoid juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and scoliosis and scoliosis zinc-containing effluent using two biological sorbents. Efficiency of the methods for extracting manoproteins from beer yeast sediments. Probiotic properties of Enterococcus faecium species which contribute to intestinal microflora balance.

Enzymatic synthesis of Favipiravir riboside using recombinant purine nucleoside phosphorylase. The antioxidant activity of the yeast biomass from the beer industry waste. Effect of feed additive polyact on immune status of broiler chickens. PCR analysis of phenazine operon transcriptional regulation in pseudomonas Chlororaphis Subsp. Biosynthesis of polyene antibiotics and phytohormones under the action of exogenous β-sitosterol by soil Streptomycete Streptomyces Netropsis IMV Ac Antimicrobial activity of the tannins isolated from walnut Juglans regia l.

Study of the absorption of bacillus subtilis and pseudomonas fluorescens on boala articulară torsuno charcoal obtained from apricot husks. A yeast strain adapted to selenium as a promising source of selenium fodder additives. Screening of glycol ether destructing microorganisms as an initial step in the development of a microbial preparation for solvent wastewater treatment.

Characterization, identification of a bacterial culture isolated from grain and its application for fermentation trichopol vindecă articulațiile soybean cake.

Effect of ethanol on properties of glucose oxidase of penicillium adametzii. Local isolates of Entomopathogenic baculovirus as a specific, safe, and effective tool for hyphantria cunea drury. The beer yeast biomass as a valuable source of lipids.

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Fungi as potential producers of cholesterol oxidases. Designing of the pseudorandom number generators on the basis of two-dimensional cellular automata. C Psychological needs of the couple during kidney failure. Pre-school children with special educational needs and their integration in the inclusive community.

The development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and scoliosis communication skills using flashcards. Quality of nursery services from the perspective of the personnel and parents. The educational system: from performance and competence to images and community perception. On solutions of some Diophantine equations. Theories of successful keys in centers of teachers training.

Targets of the abuse: types and characteristics. Teaching clinical thinking to first-year medical students. Alternativa step by step în perspectivă psihologică. The investments of mothers in the children with chronic disease: her influence on children. Welcome message of the organizing committee.

Multiple abnormalities of the renal pedicle. Biochemical mechanisms juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and scoliosis nucleotide repair. Hyperparathyroidism in the context of multiple endocrine neoplastic syndromes. Association of ultrashort segment hirschsprung disease with a rare genetic pathology — Townes-Brocks syndrome.

Radiological and clinical conflicts in a case of transposition dureri cronice de genunchi the great arteries with multiple associated comorbidities. Bowel obstruction secondary to adhesions in children: case report. Clinical-morphological and treatment aspects in traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in children.

Medical treatment in acute mediastinitis by perforation of the esophagus: clinical case. Congenital duodenal disorders in children.

The functional recovery of the newly formed anorectal apparatus in the high form of anal atresia in children. Rarely common type IV paraesophageal hernias in patients with concomitant diseases: a case report.

Laparoscopic inguino-scrotal hernia repair combined with classic hernia sac removal. Toxic goiter associated with carcinoma. Jejunal tumor complicated by perforation: clinical case. Rare complication of surgical intervention for acute limb ischemia: a case report.

Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery in a patient with situs inversus totalis. Acne fulminans induced by isotretinoin: case report.

Diagnostic Imaging: Spine

Ozone therapy in the treatment of an acne vulgaris. Novel therapeutics in the treatment of systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Genetic aspects of the Huntington disease. Recurrent aortic dissection: a peculiar complication of Marfan syndrome. A rare cause of epistaxis: Osler—Weber—Rendu disease.

Borderline serous tumor in a years-old girl: a case report. Nasal polyps with atypical stromal cells — a histopathological diagnostic dilemma. Clinical manifestations of cholinergic deficiency in patients with Parkinson's disease.

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Respiratory therapy - a possible solution in the alleviation of chronic pain. Differential diagnosis of intracerebral haemorrhages. Cases from the institute of neurology and neurosurgery. A case of temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsy in pacients with multiple sclerosis. Collecting duct carcinoma appearing as a hepatic hydatid cyst.